2-day meeting devoted to “Harmonizing protocols for wildlife population and wildlife disease surveillance in Europe”
June 27-28 Brescia, Italy
Organized by APHAEA in collaboration with IZSLER (Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna)
We are happy to announce that four interesting and varied keynote speakers representing their fields of expertise at the upcoming Satellite Symposium "Geographical coordination of wildlife health surveillance" in Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Dr. Gervelmeyer and Dr. Karesh will participate at the APHAEA Final Consultation Workshop.
Prof. Dr. Thijs Kuiken / Harmonise monitoring of pathogens, surveillance plans
Dr. Christophe Bonenfant / Population density/abundance
Dr. Christian Imholt / Determinants of rodent population fluctuations and methodological ...